
man oscar_




Oscar Fish, OscarThePhish


A little cog in a giant over populated machine. Rotating slowly until I can turn no more.
Or eating pizza with beer over a keyboard.


As a kid in the 80’s I fell in love with a second hand Commodore 64 my parents were kind enough to get for me. As my first and only computer for a long long time, hundreds of hours were spent in a dimly lit room, immersed in what I thought at the time were mind blowing games and distributing ‘backup’ copies for everyone at school under the alias of SpaceCowboy. I can still hear the 8-bit chiptune music now.

Outside of that I tried writing crazy little programs in BASIC that did.. well nothing (constructive) really. But it was all about the experience, and back in those days the wealth of information at our fingertips that we take for granted today was unimaginable to a 10 year old. 

Decades later I have a renewed passion and interest in technology and security which is surprising as after the C64 it took another 15 years before I actually owned a computer. I’m always trying to learn new things, so I thought it might be a good idea to start putting some of my notes down in one place. Partly for others to read, but mostly for my own reference.

If I had to pinpoint a true passion I think my main areas of interest would be OSINT and physical security. Lock picking handcuffs is a true icebreaker at parties.  Human Hacking or Social Engineering make me sweat.. those are skills I wish I had. 

This is my bucket of ones and zeros that I’ve picked as my home away from home.




pizza party time

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